Photos – Fall 2022 TA Training

Look back on the largest L&S TA event of the year! The L&S Instructional Design Collaborative captured photographic evidence of a learning-filled afternoon. 

400+ teaching assistants participated in the annual L&S Fall TA Training. Learning took place across multiple weeks in three modalities: an asynchronous Canvas course, a synchronous Zoom session, and in-person small groups. 

Self-enroll in the New TA Canvas course — available all semester —  to learn about pedagogy, Canvas basics, and key policies and resources. New this year, a separate Canvas course delivers a streamlined review for returning TAs.  

On September 1, TAs checked in and grabbed lunch in Van Vleck Hall courtyard. Experienced Teaching Mentors guided learning activities and led discussion.

The Teaching Mentors program celebrates outstanding L&S TAs, bringing their expertise to our new Teaching Assistants. Thank you, Fall 2022 Teaching Mentors!

As the largest TA training event for the biggest college at UW–Madison, the L&S TA training serves TAs from a wide range of disciplines. Physics TAs built marshmallow structures with TAs teaching environmental studies, and statistics TAs analyzed pedagogy principles with grad students in anthropology. 

** Stay tuned for details on Winter 2023 TA Training & Orientation: