L&S TLA supports L&S instructors, departments, and L&S Administration’s efforts to promote excellence in academic administration and teaching. Our overarching goal is to help L&S provide world-class learning experiences for students.

Dean Eric Wilcots teaching in a classroom

Highlights from TLA

Recent Communications

Looking for a previous email from our team? Recent communications from L&S Teaching and Learning Administration can be accessed at the linked KB page.

Teaching Mentors

The deadline for 2025 L&S Teaching Mentor nominations is February 13, 2025. Please click the link above for further details.

Instructional Planning Exercise

The deadline for the AY 25-26 Instructional Planning Exercise is February 12, 2025. Please click the link above to access the call email.

TLA Shout Out

L&S Exchange Logo

Listen to the newest episode of The L&S Exchange Podcast! Lyn Macgregor, Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Sociology, explores a resource that Lyn and her colleagues created to help instructors uncover the hidden curriculum for students. These innovative modular slide decks feature local examples and reflection questions, all designed to help students navigate unspoken academic norms and expectations.

The Exchange Podcast: Episode 25

Teaching & Learning Excellence Opportunities

A Resource for TAs

We assist TAs with professional development and directing to appropriate resources. Our Team offers a number of programs to support both new and returning TAs, including TA Training, a workshop series, and a peer observation program.

TA Training and Support

The Instructional Design Collaborative (IDC)

The IDC collaborates with instructors, staff, and departments in creating modern and effective learning experiences using established course design principles and technical expertise.

The Instructional Design Collaborative (IDC)

First-Year Interest Groups (FIGs)

FIGs are clusters of (usually) three UW classes linked to explore a common theme, offered to incoming freshmen to attend together as a cohort. Each FIG has a top-notch instructor who develops and leads a class for students in their FIG.

First-Year Interest Groups (FIGs)