Supports course design and technology. Coordinates with campus partners to plan and manage instructional technologies.
Teaching & Learning Support
Clevenger, Danielle
Develops programming for L&S Teaching Assistants as part of the L&S TA Training and Support Team.
Dowling, B
Harris, Molly
Develops and facilitates L&S initiatives, including the L&S Exchange Podcast, Design for Learning Articles, and Mini Discussions.
Henson, Morgan
Develops programming and resources to support L&S TAs of color.
Klein, Jonathan
Leads and supports the IDC team. Manages partnerships and priorities in conjunction with the L&S Associate Dean for Teaching & Learning.
Macasaet, David
Leads instructional audio and video production services. Manages media studios and technologies in Van Hise Hall.
Malekpour, Shirin
Leads L&S Teaching & Learning Administration (TLA) and serves as a member of the L&S Dean’s Leadership Team.
Prost, Lynne
Directs L&S TA professional development. Supports graduate students and programs in interpreting and implementing graduate affairs policy.
Risk, Orion
Develops programming for L&S Teaching Assistants as part of the L&S TA Training and Support Team.